I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of money. Scratch that—I do know about you, because let's be real, we're all big fans of money. Alas, cash isn't the easiest of things to hold onto, especially when the cost of housing seems to increase exponentially each year. All hope is not lost, however. If you can work up the nerve, you can negotiate your rent. And while haggling with your landlord won't make you a millionaire overnight, it could help you knock $100 off your monthly rent. Over time, that kind of cash adds up, my friend. So if you're looking to save a few bucks to put toward something worthwhile (like investing in your future), give the following ideas a try. Offer to put money down upfront It's an unfortunate reality that, occasionally, tenants skip out on their rent. It makes sense then that your landlord would find it appealing to get a large portion of the lease contract paid for upfront. If you can swing, let's say, ...
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